Saturday 24 August 2019

What Are Some Tips To Choose A Bulk SMS Service Provider?

Long gone is the time when businesspersons used to advertise and promote their brands typically using pamphlets, leaflets, hoardings, etc. and had to move from one place to another for announcing the release of their newest products/services and promotional offers. However, today time has changed mightily and bulk SMS marketing has stepped into changing the concept of marketing and advertising relatively cost-effectively. Through bulk SMS marketing, companies can reach their target clients in a jiffy. The innovative marketing initiative helps to save a lot of time and money, as they no longer have to spend a fortune as well as to travel from place to place to grip the attention of their target customers. Sending simply an SMS, companies can easily and directly get in touch with their customers as and when they want and inform them about their up-to-date release, offers, plans, etc. The style of marketing has altered a lot and a variety of innovative ways have come to the surface to reach the target clients. SMS marketing, being one of the surefire and high-tech ways, helps your customers familiarize with the up-to-date news and events and that too without costing a fortune.

Bulk SMS is also very helpful in improving the prospects, sales lead, visibility and traffic significantly. So if you want your web business to be at the top of success, bulk SMS marketing is truly the ultimate and the most helpful technique to generate the most favorable and desired results. So if you are planning to integrate bulk SMS services into your business marketing campaign to make it a real smasher, then make sure you choose the right service provider that is committed to delivering world-class Bulk SMS marketing solution. Apart from this, also make sure that the services are easy and hassle-free to use and must suit your existing business procedures. In this concern, you need to find a reliable service provider that can take your specific needs into account sincerely and deliver you the best and desired solution. As SMS marketing has become all the rage in recent years, a lot of companies have turned up in this domain. There is a wide range of companies that can offer you world-class solutions, but the need is to locate the one that helps you in the whole procedure while keeping the costs down to the ground.

Helpful Tips to Find a Reliable Bulk SMS Service Provider?

* With a view to finding a dependable bulk SMS service provider, carry out a methodical online search and discover each and every service provider in your location. Be sure to explore the websites of every service provider and determine what services they offer.
* Create a list of all prominent and reliable bulk SMS service providers and get in touch with each one of them. Get price quotes from each of them.

* It is good to fix up an appointment and discuss all your needs with the company’s representative, so that they have a better idea of what exactly you are looking for.

* Once you have gone through this process, sort out at least 2 to 5 companies and request them to send price quotes. Compare their services, plans and prices in mutual, and finally choose the one that stands out exceptionally in every term.
* While resolving a decision, ensure that you purchase a service that seamlessly suits your nature of business, business operations, and your needs to steer clear of any problem afterward. In addition to this, make sure that your service provider offers after-sales services and helps you in the overall process.

To finish up, a well-thought-of and dependable service provider such as Your Bulk can step up the efficiency of your marketing campaign. So be sure to hire the company for full effectiveness of your brand.

What Are Bulk SMS Services And How Are They Beneficial For The Business Sector?

Today the technology has developed to such an extent that it becomes much easier to stay connected with people. There is a mobile phone in almost every single pocket. The mobile not only provides the facility to stay connected with others all the time but also it provides a great scope of marketing. In the present day context, mobile marketing has become the hottest choice for most of the companies. This is one of the most effective and cheapest ways of communication with your customers and it consumes the least extent of time. And the leading method of mobile marketing is SMS marketing. This is perhaps the cheapest way of communication with your target customers.

As mobile or Bulk SMS marketing is considered as the spam-free communication system; therefore, you are much more free to have personalized marketing with the help of this marketing system. This method of marketing strategy has been widely spread in Europe and Asia with a good response and now it started to have its grip all across the world. It is the latest advancement of the new-age marketing strategy. SMS marketing is quite simple and is available at a very low cost. All you need to do is to type the message containing the information that you want to deliver and set multiple mobile numbers that you want to send the message to and your message would be delivered to the customer’s handset within seconds. Even if your customer is not within the reach or if the mobile is switched off, there is very less risk of your message for getting lost. The store and the forward facility would help you in storing the message in the SMSC server and can wait for days if necessary and then it would be delivered when your customer comes within the range or turns his/her mobile on. Therefore, it is better than the email marketing, as sometimes it is often seen that the emails you send often lands in the customer’s junk mail folder. While SMS is a spam-free communication system, there is less chance of disturbing your customers.

SMS marketing is also better than the telephonic conversation in several ways. The most important thing is that with the help of SMS marketing it consumes less time to communicate with the customers than telephonic conversation. Therefore, the salesperson needs not waste a great deal of time in making the customers understand what information he/she really want to deliver to him/her. However, it is often seen that customers often get disturbed with the calls, as you cannot know as if what the customer is doing at the time you call him/her. Therefore, if you send an SMS instead of calling it would be that you are not going to disturb your customer much and even your message is delivered to him/her. And if he/she thinks your proposal to be useful then he/she can easily contact you. On the other hand, it is also useful for your customer, as he/she can read the SMS any time when he/she thinks appropriate and even go through it several times for a better understanding. Therefore, by keeping all these factors in mind, most of the business organizations are preferring this means of communication with their customers than telephonic communication or email marketing.

Benefits of Bulk SMS Advertising: 

·         Unlimited fun through SMS by a single click.
·         Dedicated keyword can put on high priority, help in the advertisement.
·         No maintaining cost.
·         User-Friendly and Easy in navigation as well.
·         Based on automated software by following a few simple steps.
·         Time-saving Process because it is quick to create, conceptualize and easy to start up advertising.
·         Company can target any concerned group, Age, Gender, City, buying capacity as well. Raise product/services sales graph.
·         Less costly, lighting way & provide immediate results.
·         Direct approach to target Audience.
·         Deeply professional / Personalized.
·         Stronger than other media i.e. Radio, Television, Print.
·         Customers can send SMS to their F n F group.

If you deal in some business and need to send messages to your target customers then look no further than one of the leading bulk SMS providers in the industry.

Friday 23 August 2019

What Factors Make Bulk SMS A Great Marketing Tool?

Overview of SMS Effectiveness

These days almost everyone has a cell phone. Each and every day, these communication gadgets are being used for various purposes. Among the various utilities of a cell phone, one is obviously that we can send text messages to people using it. This is known as SMS or Short Messaging Service. This is a very useful and effective way of communication entailing a very low cost. Through SMS, as we all know, we can send any information to anyone within a few seconds. Therefore, it can easily be said that this is one of the most effective ways of communication in the present-day world. However, this very feature of the cell phone has its own contribution to the world marketing strategy also.

SMS Marketing is All the Rage Among the Business Persons

These days, the special feature of SMS marketing is found to be adopted by many business organizations. In the business sector, the popularity of SMS marketing has grown to a very great extent. Therefore, it can be said that the use of SMS is no longer limited to carry personal messages only. Most of the larger companies have adopted the SMS marketing strategy as a cheap and effective tool to deliver messages to their target customers.

SMS Ensures Saving Time and Easier Communication 

As in the present context, people are so busy that they don’t have much time to wait and listen to the offers that a company is offering; therefore, it is very essential for the business organizations to present themselves in the briefest manner possible. In this way, not only the time of the customer is saved but also it becomes much easier to communicate with a large number of people in a very short period. There are a large number of bulk SMS service providers available on the Internet; therefore, it is not much of a big problem to use this method of communication to your customers. 


The most interesting thing in this process is that only a single message is to be typed and then you can select multiple numbers to which you want to send the message and as a result, you can send the same message to a number of people at the same time. This not only saves a lot of time but also is very much cost-effective. Needless to say, it has become one of the hottest choices for leading companies today.


This process is also known as bulk SMS service. There are a lot of Bulk SMS service providers available on the internet and you can easily choose the one which seems to you the best. The only disadvantage of this method is that your message can only contain about 160 words and not more than that. Therefore, only the basic information, in a nutshell, should be provided. You will have to wait for a customer’s response before you can provide more information on the same topic. However, there are some limitations of the SMS marketing strategy yet it is the best way to reach the maximum number of people in a very small span of time entailing a very little cost.
End your search at Your Bulk SMS if you are looking to hire a premier bulk SMS service provider.

Transactional Bulk SMS Service For Your Business

Sending SMSs has always been an easy and efficient way of engaging your target customers. SMS can be sent in bulk amounts in order ...